Midland Chemics
Michigan High School Football Scores


Historical and current won-loss records by seasons,
opponents, conferences, and decades as well as
individual game results, future schedules, and a variety
of analytical trends. Go Chemics!
Michigan high school football Midland Chemics pro football college football


Midland Chemics
Annual Won/Loss Records

*   winning% >= 50%
P   playoff appearance
8   8-man football
6   6-man football







Midland Chemics
Data Analytics

Classification By Year Pie Chart


Enrollment By Year Trend Chart


Winning Percentage By Year Bar Chart


Point Differential By Year Bar Chart


Winning Percentage vs. Point Differential Scatter Chart


Team Performance Gauges


Winning Percentage By Year Histogram







Midland Chemics
Opponent Records Sorted By Games Played

Bay City Central 70 39-30-1 .564 *
Saginaw 66 51-13-2 .788
Midland Dow 61 43-18 .705 *
Saginaw Arthur Hill 57 44-13 .772
Bay City Western 53 42-11 .792 *
Flint Central 42 31-11 .738
Flint Northern 32 21-9-2 .687
Mt. Pleasant 29 16-13 .552 *
Bay City Handy 28 21-6-1 .768
Saginaw Heritage 26 21-5 .808
Flint Southwestern 25 14-10-1 .580
Pontiac Central 22 20-2 .909
Flint Southwestern 20 19-1 .950
Flint Northwestern 19 18-1 .947
Alpena 18 12-6 .667
Traverse City Central 17 11-6 .647 *
Davison 12 7-5 .583
Muskegon 11 2-9 .182
Traverse City West 11 6-5 .545 *
Flint Carman-Ainsworth 9 7-2 .778
Owosso 9 6-3 .667
Lapeer 6 2-4 .333
Cadillac 5 5-0 1.000
Hamtramck 5 5-0 1.000
Adrian 4 3-1 .750
Flushing 4 4-0 1.000
Bay City Glenn 3 3-0 1.000
Grand Rapids Central 3 2-1 .667
Lake Orion 3 2-1 .667
Marquette 3 3-0 1.000
Birmingham Brother Rice 2 0-2 .000
Dearborn Fordson 2 1-1 .500
East Lansing 2 1-1 .500
Flint Kearsley 2 2-0 1.000
Grand Rapids Creston 2 2-0 1.000
Grosse Pointe North 2 2-0 1.000
Kalamazoo Central 2 1-1 .500
Lapeer West 2 2-0 1.000
Muskegon Mona Shores 2 0-2 .000
Novi Detroit Catholic Central 2 1-1 .500
Rockford 2 0-2 .000
Saginaw MacArthur 2 2-0 1.000
Sterling Heights 2 1-1 .500
Swartz Creek 2 2-0 1.000
Ann Arbor Huron 1 1-0 1.000
Benton Harbor 1 1-0 1.000
Detroit Country Day 1 1-0 1.000
Birmingham Groves 1 1-0 1.000
Canton 1 1-0 1.000
Clarkston 1 0-1 .000
Detroit Kettering 1 1-0 1.000
Detroit Martin Luther King 1 0-1 .000
Detroit Murray-Wright 1 1-0 1.000
Detroit Northern 1 1-0 1.000
Dexter 1 0-1 .000
East Kentwood 1 0-1 .000
Escanaba 1 1-0 1.000
Farmington Hills Harrison 1 0-1 .000
Fenton 1 0-1 .000
Fraser 1 1-0 1.000
Grand Blanc 1 0-1 .000
Grand Haven 1 1-0 1.000
Grand Ledge 1 1-0 1.000
Grand Rapids Forest Hills Central 1 0-1 .000
Grandville 1 1-0 1.000
Jenison 1 1-0 1.000
Lapeer East 1 1-0 1.000
Lowell 1 1-0 1.000
Mt. Clemens Clintondale 1 1-0 1.000
North Farmington 1 1-0 1.000
Oak Park (IL) River Forest 1 1-0 1.000
Portage Northern 1 0-1 .000
Redford Covenant 1 1-0 1.000
Rochester Adams 1 0-1 .000
Roseville 1 1-0 1.000
Walled Lake Western 1 1-0 1.000
Warren De La Salle 1 0-1 .000
Waterford Mott 1 1-0 1.000
TOTALS 520-208-7 .712

*   current conference member


Midland Chemics
Opponent Records Sorted Alphabetically By Opponent

Adrian 4 3-1 .750
Alpena 18 12-6 .667
Ann Arbor Huron 1 1-0 1.000
Bay City Central 70 39-30-1 .564 *
Bay City Glenn 3 3-0 1.000
Bay City Handy 28 21-6-1 .768
Bay City Western 53 42-11 .792 *
Benton Harbor 1 1-0 1.000
Birmingham Brother Rice 2 0-2 .000
Detroit Country Day 1 1-0 1.000
Birmingham Groves 1 1-0 1.000
Cadillac 5 5-0 1.000
Canton 1 1-0 1.000
Clarkston 1 0-1 .000
Davison 12 7-5 .583
Dearborn Fordson 2 1-1 .500
Detroit Kettering 1 1-0 1.000
Detroit Martin Luther King 1 0-1 .000
Detroit Murray-Wright 1 1-0 1.000
Detroit Northern 1 1-0 1.000
Dexter 1 0-1 .000
East Kentwood 1 0-1 .000
East Lansing 2 1-1 .500
Escanaba 1 1-0 1.000
Farmington Hills Harrison 1 0-1 .000
Fenton 1 0-1 .000
Flint Carman-Ainsworth 9 7-2 .778
Flint Central 42 31-11 .738
Flint Kearsley 2 2-0 1.000
Flint Northern 32 21-9-2 .687
Flint Northwestern 19 18-1 .947
Flint Southwestern 20 19-1 .950
Flint Southwestern 25 14-10-1 .580
Flushing 4 4-0 1.000
Fraser 1 1-0 1.000
Grand Blanc 1 0-1 .000
Grand Haven 1 1-0 1.000
Grand Ledge 1 1-0 1.000
Grand Rapids Central 3 2-1 .667
Grand Rapids Creston 2 2-0 1.000
Grand Rapids Forest Hills Central 1 0-1 .000
Grandville 1 1-0 1.000
Grosse Pointe North 2 2-0 1.000
Hamtramck 5 5-0 1.000
Jenison 1 1-0 1.000
Kalamazoo Central 2 1-1 .500
Lake Orion 3 2-1 .667
Lapeer 6 2-4 .333
Lapeer East 1 1-0 1.000
Lapeer West 2 2-0 1.000
Lowell 1 1-0 1.000
Marquette 3 3-0 1.000
Midland Dow 61 43-18 .705 *
Mt. Clemens Clintondale 1 1-0 1.000
Mt. Pleasant 29 16-13 .552 *
Muskegon 11 2-9 .182
Muskegon Mona Shores 2 0-2 .000
North Farmington 1 1-0 1.000
Novi Detroit Catholic Central 2 1-1 .500
Oak Park (IL) River Forest 1 1-0 1.000
Owosso 9 6-3 .667
Pontiac Central 22 20-2 .909
Portage Northern 1 0-1 .000
Redford Covenant 1 1-0 1.000
Rochester Adams 1 0-1 .000
Rockford 2 0-2 .000
Roseville 1 1-0 1.000
Saginaw 66 51-13-2 .788
Saginaw Arthur Hill 57 44-13 .772
Saginaw Heritage 26 21-5 .808
Saginaw MacArthur 2 2-0 1.000
Sterling Heights 2 1-1 .500
Swartz Creek 2 2-0 1.000
Traverse City Central 17 11-6 .647 *
Traverse City West 11 6-5 .545 *
Walled Lake Western 1 1-0 1.000
Warren De La Salle 1 0-1 .000
Waterford Mott 1 1-0 1.000
TOTALS 520-208-7 .712

*   current conference member







Midland Chemics
Won/Loss Records By Decades

1950 83 50-32-1 .608
1960 90 60-24-6 .700
1970 90 61-29 .678
1980 96 75-21 .781
1990 106 80-26 .755
2000 113 83-30 .735
2010 106 77-29 .726
2020 51 34-17 .667
TOTALS 735 520-208-7 .712





Midland Chemics
Won/Loss Records By Conferences

CONF   G   W-L-T   AVE.
SVL 302 231-67-4 .772
Non-conf 205 139-64-2 .683
Playoff 70 38-32 .543
SVL-E 48 29-18-1 .615
SVL-N 32 26-6 .812 *
Arrowhead 30 21-9 .700
SVL-R 24 18-6 .750
SVL-B 24 18-6 .750
TOTALS 735 520-208-7 .712

*   current conference affiliation

















Midland Chemics
Current Schedule & Historical Game Results

F   game forfeited
C   game cancelled
?   score unknown










Midland Chemics
Conference Descriptions

Arrowhead Arrowhead Conference
SVL Saginaw Valley League
SVL-B Saginaw Valley League - Blue
SVL-E Saginaw Valley League - Eastern
SVL-N Saginaw Valley League - North *
SVL-R Saginaw Valley League - Red

*   current conference affiliation




Midland Chemics Michigan high school football scores

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Last Updated: 3/30/2025 9:00:05 PM