Boyne City Ramblers
Michigan High School Football Scores


Historical and current won-loss records by seasons,
opponents, conferences, and decades as well as
individual game results, future schedules, and a variety
of analytical trends. Go Ramblers!
Michigan high school football Boyne City Ramblers pro football college football


Boyne City Ramblers
Annual Won/Loss Records

*   winning% >= 50%
P   playoff appearance
8   8-man football
6   6-man football







Boyne City Ramblers
Data Analytics

Classification By Year Pie Chart


Enrollment By Year Trend Chart


Winning Percentage By Year Bar Chart


Point Differential By Year Bar Chart


Winning Percentage vs. Point Differential Scatter Chart


Team Performance Gauges


Winning Percentage By Year Histogram







Boyne City Ramblers
Opponent Records Sorted By Games Played

Charlevoix 74 31-41-2 .432
Harbor Springs 55 43-12 .782
Grayling 51 32-19 .627 *
East Jordan 45 32-13 .711
Traverse City St. Francis 43 11-32 .256 *
Gaylord 37 14-22-1 .392
Rogers City 36 19-17 .528
Elk Rapids 35 31-4 .886
Petoskey 29 5-24 .172
Mancelona 28 20-7-1 .732
Kalkaska 27 25-2 .926
St. Ignace 26 8-18 .308
Cheboygan 25 12-13 .480 *
Pellston 18 15-2-1 .861
Benzonia Benzie Central 14 8-6 .571
Kingsley 12 7-5 .583 *
Onaway 12 6-6 .500
Newberry 11 9-2 .818
Maple City Glen Lake 10 4-6 .400
McBain 8 5-3 .625
Tawas City Area 8 3-5 .375
Roscommon 7 3-3-1 .500
Rudyard 6 1-5 .167
Sault Ste. Marie 6 2-4 .333
Calumet 5 2-3 .400
Lincoln Alcona 4 1-3 .250
Negaunee 4 3-1 .750
Alpena Catholic Central 3 2-1 .667
Iron Mountain 3 0-3 .000
Oscoda 3 3-0 1.000
Standish-Sterling 3 1-2 .333
Whittemore-Prescott 3 1-2 .333
Battle Creek Pennfield 2 0-2 .000
Bellaire 2 2-0 1.000
Essexville Garber 2 0-2 .000
Hopkins 2 0-2 .000
Johannesburg-Lewiston 2 1-1 .500
Kent City 2 2-0 1.000
LeRoy Pine River 2 2-0 1.000
Petoskey St. Francis 2 2-0 1.000
Suttons Bay 2 0-2 .000
West Branch Ogemaw Heights 2 1-1 .500
Flint Hamady 1 1-0 1.000
Gladstone 1 0-1 .000
Hillman 1 1-0 1.000
Ishpeming 1 0-1 .000
Ithaca 1 0-1 .000
Jackson Lumen Christi 1 0-1 .000
Lansing Catholic 1 0-1 .000
Lapeer West 1 0-1 .000
Livonia Clarenceville 1 1-0 1.000
Manistee 1 0-1 .000
Manistee Catholic Central 1 0-1 .000
Mendon 1 1-0 1.000
Menominee 1 0-1 .000
Montague 1 0-1 .000
Muskegon Oakridge 1 1-0 1.000
Olivet 1 0-1 .000
Reed City 1 1-0 1.000
Sault Ste. Marie (ONT) White Pine 1 1-0 1.000
Mason County Central 1 1-0 1.000
TOTALS 377-307-6 .551

*   current conference member


Boyne City Ramblers
Opponent Records Sorted Alphabetically By Opponent

Alpena Catholic Central 3 2-1 .667
Battle Creek Pennfield 2 0-2 .000
Bellaire 2 2-0 1.000
Benzonia Benzie Central 14 8-6 .571
Calumet 5 2-3 .400
Charlevoix 74 31-41-2 .432
Cheboygan 25 12-13 .480 *
East Jordan 45 32-13 .711
Elk Rapids 35 31-4 .886
Essexville Garber 2 0-2 .000
Flint Hamady 1 1-0 1.000
Gaylord 37 14-22-1 .392
Gladstone 1 0-1 .000
Grayling 51 32-19 .627 *
Harbor Springs 55 43-12 .782
Hillman 1 1-0 1.000
Hopkins 2 0-2 .000
Iron Mountain 3 0-3 .000
Ishpeming 1 0-1 .000
Ithaca 1 0-1 .000
Jackson Lumen Christi 1 0-1 .000
Johannesburg-Lewiston 2 1-1 .500
Kalkaska 27 25-2 .926
Kent City 2 2-0 1.000
Kingsley 12 7-5 .583 *
Lansing Catholic 1 0-1 .000
Lapeer West 1 0-1 .000
LeRoy Pine River 2 2-0 1.000
Lincoln Alcona 4 1-3 .250
Livonia Clarenceville 1 1-0 1.000
Mancelona 28 20-7-1 .732
Manistee 1 0-1 .000
Manistee Catholic Central 1 0-1 .000
Maple City Glen Lake 10 4-6 .400
McBain 8 5-3 .625
Mendon 1 1-0 1.000
Menominee 1 0-1 .000
Montague 1 0-1 .000
Muskegon Oakridge 1 1-0 1.000
Negaunee 4 3-1 .750
Newberry 11 9-2 .818
Olivet 1 0-1 .000
Onaway 12 6-6 .500
Oscoda 3 3-0 1.000
Pellston 18 15-2-1 .861
Petoskey 29 5-24 .172
Petoskey St. Francis 2 2-0 1.000
Reed City 1 1-0 1.000
Rogers City 36 19-17 .528
Roscommon 7 3-3-1 .500
Rudyard 6 1-5 .167
Sault Ste. Marie 6 2-4 .333
Sault Ste. Marie (ONT) White Pine 1 1-0 1.000
Mason County Central 1 1-0 1.000
St. Ignace 26 8-18 .308
Standish-Sterling 3 1-2 .333
Suttons Bay 2 0-2 .000
Tawas City Area 8 3-5 .375
Traverse City St. Francis 43 11-32 .256 *
West Branch Ogemaw Heights 2 1-1 .500
Whittemore-Prescott 3 1-2 .333
TOTALS 377-307-6 .551

*   current conference member







Boyne City Ramblers
Won/Loss Records By Decades

1950 81 45-33-3 .574
1960 79 58-21 .734
1970 86 20-63-3 .250
1980 90 19-71 .211
1990 94 52-42 .553
2000 105 75-30 .714
2010 102 69-33 .676
2020 53 39-14 .736
TOTALS 690 377-307-6 .551





Boyne City Ramblers
Won/Loss Records By Conferences

CONF   G   W-L-T   AVE.
Non-conf 189 88-100-1 .468
NMCL 121 81-37-3 .682
LMC 111 76-35 .685
MHSC 98 38-58-2 .398
Playoff 42 19-23 .452
NMFL-Lgn 41 31-10 .756 *
GNLP-LM 38 24-14 .632
MHSC-II 30 4-26 .133
NMFL-Ld 20 16-4 .800
TOTALS 690 377-307-6 .551

*   current conference affiliation

















Boyne City Ramblers
Current Schedule & Historical Game Results

F   game forfeited
C   game cancelled
?   score unknown










Boyne City Ramblers
Conference Descriptions

GNLP-LM Great Northern L.P. Conf. - Lake Michigan
LMC Lake Michigan Conference
MHSC Michigan Huron Shores Conference
MHSC-II Michigan Huron Shores Conference - II
NMCL Northern Michigan C League
NMFL-Ld Northern Michigan Football League - Leaders
NMFL-Lgn Northern Michigan Football League - Legends *

*   current conference affiliation




Boyne City Ramblers Michigan high school football scores

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Last Updated: 3/30/2025 8:46:02 PM